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Lockheed F-104 Starfighter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia U.S. Air Force [edit] The F-104A initially served briefly with the USAF Air Defense Command / Aerospace Defense Command (ADC) as an interceptor, although neither its range nor armament were well-suited for that role. The first unit to become operational w
Salmon - The World's Healthiest Foods In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Salmon References Arita M, Bianchini F, Aliberti J, Sher A, Chiang N, Hong S, Yang R, Petasis NA, Serhan CN. Stereochemical assignment, antiinflammatory properties, and receptor for the omega-3 lipid mediator resolvin E1.
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F-104 (戦闘機) - Wikipedia F-104 は、ロッキード社が開発した超音速ジェット戦闘機。愛称はスターファイター (Starfighter)
Lockheed F-104 – Wikipedia Die Lockheed F-104 „Starfighter“ (deutsch: ‚Sternenkämpfer‘) war ein einstrahliges Kampfflugzeug der Lockheed Corporation, Burbank (USA). Ab 1956 bauten Lockheed und später auch kanadische und europäische Lizenznehmer das Modell in großer Stückzahl. Die F
Taylor Swift - Vikipedi Taylor Alison Swift veya bilinen adıyla Taylor Swift (d. 13 Aralık 1989), Amerikalı şarkıcı-söz yazarı ve aktris. Wyomissing, Pensilvanya'da büyüdü ve on dört yaşında Nashville, Tennessee'ye taşındıktan sonra country müzikteki kariyerine başladı. Burada B